Physics Notes of Chap 10, Simple hormonic motion, for all board of kpk

CHAPTER 10 NOtes for kpk studetns


Q1: Define oscillatory motion. Explain with examples.
Ans. Oscillatory Motion.
“The to and fro motion of a body about its mean position is known as oscillatory motion”.
(OR) “The back and forth motion of a body about its equilibrium position is known as oscillatory motion”.
The oscillatory motion is also known as vibratory motion. If a body moves back and forth over the same path, then such motion of the body is known as oscillatory motion.

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The examples of oscillatory motion are given below:
1.       Motion of simple pendulum.
2.       Motion of wires of sitar and violin.
3.       Motion of a body attached to an elastic spring.
Q2. Define periodic motion. Explain with examples. Find the relation between the frequency and time period of a periodic motion.
Ans. Periodic Motion.
“The motion which repeats its self in equal intervals of time is known as periodic motion.”
1.       Motion of simple pendulum.
2.       Motion of mass-spring system.
3.       Motion of metallic strip.
Relation between frequency and time period.
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If “T” represents the time period and “f” represents the frequency, then we have.
f= (1)
Equation (1) represents the relation between frequency and time period of periodic motion.
Q3: Define simple harmonic motion. Describe its characteristics features.
Ans. Simple Harmonic Motion.
“The motion in which the acceleration of the body is directly proportional to the displacement from its mean position is known as simple harmonic motion”.
If “a” represents the acceleration of the body and “x” represents the displacement of the body from its then we have,
  a α (-x) ------------------ 1
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relation (1) represents the mathematical form of simple harmonic motion. The negative sign shows that, the body is always directed towards the mean position.
Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion: Consider a body of mass “m” attached to an elastic spring as shown in the figure. If the body is displaced towards right position “A” through a displacement “O” then on releasing the body at position “A”, the body comes back towards the mean position “O” due to restoring force “F”.
On the way, its velocity increases due to which the body does not stop at mean position “O” and moves towards left position “A”. Again due to restoring force “F” the body comes back towards the mean position “O”. In this way the body performs simple harmonic motion. During this motion the following characteristics can be observed:
1.       In simple harmonic motion, the body oscillates about its mean position “O”.
2.       The distance of the body from mean position is known as displacement. It is represented by “X”.
3.       The maximum displacement of the body from its mean position is known as amplitude.
It is represented by “Xm” or “Xo”.

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4.       In simple harmonic motion, the acceleration of the body is directly proportional to its displacement from mean position “O” i.e. a α (-x)
5.       The velocity of the body is zero at extreme position and maximum at mean position “O”.
6.       At mean position, the energy of the body is in the form of kinetic energy (K.E).
7.       At extreme position, the energy of the body is in the form of potential energy (P.E).
8.       The total energy remains constant during simple harmonic motion.
9.       Time period of mass spring system is given by T = 2Ï€   
10.   The frequency of mass spring system is given by f=   
Q4.        Define the following terms: vibration / Cycle, time period, displacement, frequency and amplitude.
Ans. Vibration or  Cycle: A complete round trip of an oscillating body about its mean position is known as vibration  or cycle.
Time Period: The time during which one vibration is complete is known as time period. It is denoted by “T”.
Frequency: The number of vibrations per seconds is known as frequency. It is represented by “f” its units are vibration/sec, cycle/sec, hertz etc.
Displacement: The straight distance of a vibrating body from mean position is known as displacement. It is represented by “x”.
Amplitude: The maximum displacement of a vibrating body from mean position is known as amplitude. It is represented by “Xo”. The displacement and amplitude are measured in meter.
Relation between frequency and time period:  The relation between frequency and time period is given by f =  
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Q5.        What is simple harmonic motion (S.H.M)? What are the conditions for an object to oscillate with simple harmonic motion?
Ans. Simple Harmonic Motion: “The motion in which the acceleration of the oscillating body is directly proportional to the displacement from its mean position is known as simple harmonic motion.”
Explanation: If “a” represents the acceleration of the oscillating body and “x” represents the displacement from its mean position, then we have
a α (-x) ------------------- 1
Relation (1) represents the mathematical form of simple harmonic motion. The negative sign shows that, the body is directed towards the mean position due to restoring force.
Condition for an object to oscillate with S.H.M:
For a body executing S.H.M the following conditions must be satisfied:
i.                     The displacement of the oscillating body should be kept small.
ii.                   The motion should be performed along same straight path about the mean position.
iii.                 The motion should be performed under the action of restoring force.
iv.                 The relation a α (-x) should be satisfied.
v.                   The motion should be repeated in equal intervals of time.
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Q6.        Show that the mass spring system executes simple harmonic motion?
Ans. Consider a body of mass “m” attached to the end of an elastic spring as shown in figure. Now if we displace the body from its mean position “O” to the extreme position “A”, then on releasing the body at “A” the body comes back towards the mean position “O” due to the restoring force “F. on the way, its velocity increases due to which the body does not stop at mean position “O” and moves towards left side of mean position “O”.
On the way, again its velocity increases due to which it does not stop at “O” and moves towards right of mean position. In this way, the body performs S.H.M about mean position. Now according to Hooke’s law we have,
F α (-x) à F = - Kx ------------------ 1
The negative sign shows that the body is always directed towards the mean position. Now according to Newton 2nd Law we have
F = ma ---------------- 2
  Comparing equation 1 and equation 2 we get
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ma = -kx à a = - (  x ------------- 3
a = constant (-x)
a a (-x) --------------- 4
 = Constant
Relation 4 represents the mathematical form of S.H.M, so the mass spring system executes simple harmonic motion.
Time Period: The time period in terms of angular frequency “w” is given by
T = 2p / w ------------ 5
In equation 5 “ w” represents the angular frequency i.e. the measure of angular displacement per unit. The acceleration in terms of “w” is given by
a = - w2 x ----------------- 6
comparing equation 3 and 6 we get
 w2 = k/m or
w =  ------------- 7
Putting equation 7 in equation 5 we get
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T = 2p/
T = 2p  ---------------- 8
Equation 8 represents the time period of mass spring system.
We know that f =    --------------- 9
Putting equation 8 in equation 9 we get,
f =    ----------------- 10
Equation 10 represents the frequency of mass spring system.
Q7. What is simple pendulum? Diagrammatically show the forces acting on the simple pendulum. Also show that simple pendulum execute simple harmonic motion.
Ans. Simple Pendulum: A simple pendulum consists of a small and heavy metallic spherical bob which is suspended by a light and inextensible from a fixed support.
Explanation: Consider a simple pendulum as shown in the figure.
At mean position “O“ the weight “W” of the pendulum is acting in downward direction while the tension “T” in the string is acting in upwards direction, as shown in figure. Now if we bring the bob from mean position “O” to extreme position “A”, then its weight “ W” is resolved into two components I,e “mg cosÓ©” and “ mg sinÓ© “.
The component “mg cosÓ©” balance the tension “T” in the string. While the component “mg sinÓ© “ is acting towards the mean position  “O”. So “mg sinÓ© “acts as restoring force. So we have,
mg cosÓ©=T  _____________ (1)
And  F= -mgsinÓ© ____________ (2)
Now according to newton’s 2nd law, we have,
F = ma ____________ (3)
Comparing equation (2) and equation(3), we get,
ma = -mg sinÓ©
= a = -g sinÓ© _____________ (4)
Now in triangle “ OPA”, we have
SinÓ© = perpendicular/ hypotenuse
SinÓ© =  
Putting equation (5) in equation (4), we get,
a = - g                   = a =  ( -x) _________ (6)
a = constant (-x)
a = α (- x) _________ (7)
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Relation (7) represents the mathematical form of simple harmonic motion, so the simple harmonic pendulum executes simple harmonic motion.
Time period: The time period in terms of angular frequency “w “ is given by,
T =  _________ (8)
The acceleration in terms of w “ is given by,
a = - w2 x _________ (9)
Comparing equation (6) and equation (9), we get
w2 =     = w2   ________ (10)
Putting equation (10) in equation (8), we get
T =
T = =  _________ (11)
Equation (11) represents the time period of simple pendulum.
We know that,
F =   __________ (12)
Putting equation (11) in equation (12), we get
F =     ________ (13)
Equation (13) represent the frequency of simple pendulum.
Q8.        What do you mean by damped oscillations? Also write the applications of damped oscillations.
Ans. Damped Oscillations: “The Oscillations, in which the amplitude decreases  steadily with time are called damped oscillations”.
The process in which energy is dissipated from the oscillating system is called oscillations.
This is a common everyday experience that a balance wheel of a watch will cease to oscillate unless some energy can be supplied to it from the watch spring. The effect of frictional forces is to reduce the total mechanical energy of the oscillating system. A note played on a piano is loud immediately after it has been played and then gradually fades away.
Application of Damped Oscillations
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i.                     The shock absorber of a car is the practical application of damped oscillations. It provides a damping force to prevent excessive oscillation and thus provides comfortable journey. A shock absorber consists of a piston in a reservoir of oil. When the piston moves in response to a bump in the road, holes in the piston head permit the piston to pass through the oil. During this movement, viscous forces arises which cause the damping. As a result we enjoy comfortable journey. Another application of damped oscillation is the shock absorber system of human body. Skier’s body moves over the bumpy snow smoothly while his or her thighs and calves act like a damping spring.
Q9.        What is wave motion? How waves can be categorized?
Ans. Wave and Wave Motion: A wave is a traveling disturbance which carries energy from one place to another. The motion or propagation of waves occurs in the form of transverse waves or longitudinal waves.
Types of Waves:
There are two main types of waves which are given below:
1.       Mechanical Waves
2.       Electromagnetic waves
Mechanical Waves: Those waves which are produced due to the oscillation of material particles are called mechanical waves.
Examples: Water waves, sound waves, seismic waves. Waves produced in a stretched string etc are examples of mechanical waves.
Electromagnetic Waves: The waves that propagate by oscillation of electric and magnetic fields are called tromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic waves needs no material medium for their propagation. The electromagnetic waves are the combinations of travelling electric and magnetic fields. Both fields varies in magnitude and both oscillate at right angle to each other and to the direction of propagation of the wave.
Example: Visible light waves, ultraviolet light waves, X-rays, micro waves and radio waves etc are the example of electromagnetic waves.
Q10. How waves transport energy without carrying the material medium? Also describe the connection between oscillatory motion and waves.
Ans. A wave is a disturbance which carries energy from one place to another. Waves transport energy without carrying the material medium. It can be explain with the help of following example:
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Example: Take a tub and filled it with water. Now take a pencil and move it up and down at one edge of tub. As a result, a disturbance is produce in the water. The particles of water begin to oscillate about their mean position. The disturbance spread out in the form of waves on the surface of water.
During the propagation of these waves, the particle of water [medium] does not change its position permanently. They perform only oscillatory motion.
For example, if we place a piece of cork in the middle of the tub, the waves will spread out and will pass through the cork and will reach the edges. But the cork will still remains in the middle of the tub and will perform only up and down motion i.e. oscillatory motion. This shows that during propagation of waves, the particle of the medium does not change its position permanently and perform oscillatory motion only.
Q11.     What are mechanical waves? Discuss the types of mechanical waves.
Ans. Mechanical waves: Those waves which require a material medium for their propagation are called mechanical waves.
Types of Mechanical waves: There are two types of mechanical waves i.e.
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1.       Transverse waves
2.       Longitudinal waves
(1)  Transverse waves:These are those waves in which the disturbance occurs perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave”.
Explanation: The transverse waves consist of crests and trough which are produce one after the other in a certain order. The crest represents the part of wave above the equilibrium position while the trough represents the part of waves below the equilibrium position.
The distance between two nearest crests or two nearest trough is equal to wavelength “l”, while the distance between nearest crest and trough is equal to half of the wavelength i.e “  ”. The velocity, frequency and wavelength of transverse waves are related to each other by the following equation i.e.
V = fl
Production of Transverse Waves in Slinky: The transverse waves can be produced in a stretch string. They can be also generated in slinky. Slinky represents a long loosely coiled spring. If one end of the slinky is moved up and down continuously, then transverse waves is generated which move towards right as shown in the figure.
(2). Longitudinal Waves: “These are those in which the disturbance occurs parallel to the line of travel of the waves”.
Explanation: The longitudinal waves consist of compressions and rarefactions which are produced one after the other is certain order. Compression represents the regions of high density or pressure relative to the mean density or pressure of the medium. The rarefaction represents the regions of low density or pressure relative to the mean density or pressure of the medium. The distance between two nearest compressions or two nearest compressions or two nearest rarefaction is equal to wavelength “λ”, while the distance between nearest compression and rare fraction is equal to half of the wavelength i.e. . The velocity, frequency and wavelength of these waves are related to each other by the following i.e.
V = f λ
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Production of Longitudinal Waves in Slinky: If we push one end of the slinky forward and backward along its length, then two regions are formed. The region where the parts of the slinky are compressed together is called compression and it move towards right. While the region where the parts of slinky are stretched apart is called rarefaction and it also move towards right. In this way, longitudinal waves are produced in slinky, as shown as in the figure.
Q12.     Clearly distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves.
Transverse Waves
Longitudinal Waves
The disturbance occur perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave.
The disturbance  occurs parallel to the direction of motion of the wave.
Consist of crests and trough
Consists of compression and rarefaction
The distance between two nearest crests or tow nearest toughs is equal to wavelength “λ”
The distance between two nearest compressions or two rarefactions is equal to wavelength “λ
Water waves produced in a stretched string arte the examples of transverse waves
Sound waves produced in a compressed spring are the examples of longitudinal waves.
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Q13.     Define the following terms: wavelength, frequency, time period, amplitude, velocity of waves.
Ans.      Wavelength: The shortest distance between points where the wave pattern repeats itself is called wavelength.                                 OR
The distance covered by a wave in one time period “T” is called wavelength. The wavelength is represented by “λ”. Its unit is meter.
Frequency: The number of wave cycles “N” passing through a certain point “P” in unit time T is called frequency i.e.
F  ------------------ 1
In the given figure, if the three cycles C1,C2 and C3 cross point “P” in one second, then according to equation 1 frequency will be 3 hertz i.e.
F  = 3HZ
F = 3Hz
Time Period: “The time required for one cycle to pass through a certain point is called time period. It is represented by “T”. its unit is second. The time period is equal to the reciprocal of frequency i.e.
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Amplitude: The maximum displacement of particle of the medium from its mean position is known as amplitude. It is represented by “X0” its unit is meter.
Speed of a Wave: The distance travelled by a wave in a unit is called speed of a wave. It is represented  by “v”. its unit is m/sec. The speed of the wave depends upon the nature of waves and medium of propagation.
Q14.     Prove the relation between wave speed, wave length and frequency of wave. Or Show that v = fλ
Ans. We know that the speed is given
V=    ------------- 1
Incase of waves, we know that the distance covered by a wave in one time period “T” is equal to wavelength “λ” so we get
V=     -------------------- 2
We also know that, T=    _________ (3)
Putting equation (3) in equation (2), we get
V=   = Î»×  = λ × f
= V = f λ ______________ (4)
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Equation (4) represents the relation between wave speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave.
Q15. Using ripple tank explain reflection, refraction and different of waves.
Ans. Ripple Tank: It is a device with the help of which we can study the various characteristics of water waves.
Construction: It consists of a rectangular tray containing water fitted with a glass bottom. A light bulb is fixed above the tray while a viewing screen is p[lace well below the tray.
Now when a disturbance is produced in water with the help of uniform rod, then transverse waves are produced. The patter of the waves can be obtained on the screen with the help of parallel rays of light. The crest of the waves appear as bright bands while the trough appear as dark bands.
Using ripple tank, we can study the various properties of waves like reflection, refraction and diffraction.
(1)  Reflection of waves: When an obstacle is placed in the path of travelling waves, then the waves strike the obstacle and reflect through various angles. Such phenomenon is known as reflection of waves. In ripple tank, the reflection of waves can be studied by placing an upright surface in water. The given indicates the reflection of waves from a flat surface.
(2)  Refraction of waves: When waves enters from a rare medium into a denser medium then the waves bends away slightly from its original path. Such phenomenon is known as refraction of waves.
In ripple tank, refraction of waves can be studied by placing a plastic sheet at the bottom of ripple tank. The waves will refract at the edges of plastic sheet. The speed of waves of waves is greater in rare medium as compare to denser medium.
(3)  Diffraction of waves: when wave passes through a narrow opening, then the waves spread out about the opening, such phenomenon is called diffraction of waves.
In ripple tank, the diffraction of waves can be studied by placing two obstacles in such a way, that a small opening is left between them, as shown in the figure. The waves will diffract around the corners of the opening after passing through it.

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Solution of Examples, Assignments
Example 1: what is the frequency of oscillation if the time period is 20ms?
Given data: Time period = T = 20ms = 20×20×10-3s [ milli-10-3 ]
Required: Frequency of oscillation = f =?
Calculation: We know that, f =  ________ (1)
Putting the values in equation (1), we get
f = Hz
f = 0.05×103 Hz    = f = 50Hz
Answer: F = 50Hz
Assignment 1: when an object oscillates with a frequency of 0.5 Hz, what is its time period?
Given data: Frequency= f = 0.5Hz
Required: Time period = T =?
Calculation: We know that, f =  =T  (1)
Putting the values in equation (1), we get
T =  =  = 2 sec
Answer: T = 2sec
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Example 2: A spring has a spring constant of 48.0N/m. this spring is pulled to a distance of 55cm from equilibrium. What is the restoring force ?
Given data: Displacement = x = 55cm = 0.55m,k = 48.0N/m
Required: restoring  = F =?
Calculation: We know that, F= -kx ________ (1)
Putting the values of equation (1), we get
= F = -48.0×0.55N   = F = - 26.4 N
Answer: F - 26.4 N
Assignment 2: Determine the restoring force of a spring displaced 1.5m, with the spring constant of 30.0N/m.?
Given data: Displacement =x=1.5m, spring constant = k = 30.0N/m
Required: Restoring force = F =?
Calculation: We know that, F = -Kx  (1)
Putting the values of equation (1), we get
F = -Kx = -30.0×1.5N   = F = -45N
Answer: F - 45 N
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Example 3: What is the mass of a vertical mass- spring system if it oscillates with a period of 2.0sec and has a spring constant of 20.0N/m?
Given data: Time period = T = 20 sec, spring constant = k = 20.0N/m
Required: Mass of vertical mass- spring system=m=?
Calculation: We know that,
T= 2Ï€    (1)
Squaring both sides of equation (i), we get,
T2= 4Ï€2    = m=   _______ (2)
Putting the value in equation (2), we get,
 m =   = 2.02 kg
Answer: m 2kg
Assignment 3: A body of mass 0.2kg is attached to a spring placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. The spring constant of spring is 4 N/m. find the time period of oscillating mass-spring system.
Given data: Mass = m= 0.2kg, spring constant = k = 4N/m
Required: Time period = T =?
Calculation: We know that, T= 2Ï€  __________ (1)
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Putting the value of equation (1), we get
T = 2×3.14  = 6.28×
T = 6.28×0.22sec = T = 1.38sec
Answer: T = 1.4sec
Example 4: Determine the magnitude of restoring force for a pendulum bob of mass 100.0gm that has been to an angle of 100 from the vertical.
Given data: Mass = m= 100gm, Acceleration due to gravity = g = 9.8m/sec2
Angle = Ó© = 100
Required: Restoring force = F =?
Calculation: We know that, in case of simple pendulum, the component “mg sinÓ©” acts as restoring force, so we have, F= - mg sinÓ© _________ (1)
Putting the values of equation (1), we get
= F= -0.1×9.8× sin100 = - 0.98×0.17N
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Answer: F= -0.167N
Assignment 4: At what angle must a pendulum be displaced to create as restoring force of 4.00N on a bob with a mass of 500gm?
Given data: Restoring force = F = 4.00N, Mass = m= 500gm=0.5kg
Required: Angle =Ó©=?
Calculation: We know that, in case of simple pendulum, the component “mg sinÓ©” acts as restoring force, so we get, F= - mg sinÓ© = sinÓ© = F/mg _________ (1)
Putting the values of equation (1),we get           
= sinÓ© = 4.00/(0.5×9.8)= 4.00/4.9=0.816
= sinÓ© = 0.816 = Ó© = sin-1 (0.816)= 54.60
Answer: Ó© = 54.60
Example 5: What is the gravitational field strength on  planet mercury, if a 0.500 m pendulum swings with a solution of 2.30sec?
Given data: Time Period = T = 2.3 sec,
Length = l = 0.500 m
Required: Gravitational field strength = g=?
Calculation: we known that T = 2Ï€  -------------------- (1)
Squaring both sides of equation 1 we get
 --------------------------- (2)
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Putting the values of equation 2 we get
Answer: g = 3.73 N/Kg
Assignment 5: What is the gravitational field strength at the top of Mount Everest at an altitude of 8954.0 m, if a pendulum with a length of 1.00m has a period of 2.01 sec?
Given Data: Length = l= 1m
Time period = T = 2.01 sec
Required: Gravitational field strength = g=?
We know that,  T = 2Ï€  -------------------- (1)
Squaring both sides of equation (1)
 --------------------------- (2)
Putting the values of equation 2 we get
g = 9.76 N/kg
Example 6: A student vibrates the end of a spring at 2.6 Hz. This produces a wave with a wavelength of 0.37m. Calculate the speed of the wave.
Given Data: Frequency = f =2.6 Hz
Wave length = λ = 0.37m
Required: Speed of the wave = v =?
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Calculation: we know that v = fλ---------------- 1
v = fλ = 2.6×0.37m/sec
v = 0.962 m/sec
Q1.        Choose the correct Answer.
1.       A transverse wave on a string has an amplitude A. A tiny spot on the string is colored red. As one cycle of the wave passes by, what is the total distance traveled by the red spot?
a.       A                     b. 2A                                                      c.                                   d.
2.       Which of the following does not affect the period of the mass spring system?
a.       Mass              b. Spring Constant                           c. Amplitude of vibration                           
d. All of the above affect the period
3.       An object of mass ‘m’ oscillates on the end of a spring. To double the period, replaced the object with one of mass:
a.       2m                 b. m/2                  c. 4m                     d. m/4
4.       A car mounted on shock absorbers is like a mass on a spring. If we ignore damping, will the frequency of the oscillations change if passengers (or a heavy load) are added to the car? The frequency will:
a.       Increase        b. Zero                                c. Stay the same              d. Zero
5.       If the pendulum completes exactly 12 cycles in 2.0min, what is frequency of the pendulum?
a.       0.10Hz                         b. 0.17 Hz                            c. 6.0 Hz               d.10 Hz
6.       A certain pendulum has an iron bob. When the iron bob is replaced with lead bob of the same size, its time period will:
a.       Stay the same           b. Decrease                        c. Increase          d. Be zero
7.       A wave transports:
a.       Energy but not matter          b. Matter but not energy              c. Both energy and matter
d. Air
8.       The Bending of waves around the edges of the obstacle is
a.       Reflection                   b. Refraction                     c. Diffraction                     d. Damping



Conceptual questions

Give a brief response to the following questions.
1.      Is every oscillatory motion simple harmonic? Give examples.
Ans. No, it is not necessary for an oscillatory motion to be simple harmonic. In oscillatory motion a body moves to and fro about a fixed point periodically. E.g. the motion of tuning fork, swing etc. While for SHM, the following two conditions must be satisfied.
a.       The acceleration of the vibrating body is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position at any instant, and
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c.       The acceleration is always directed towards the mean position. For example
i.                     Vibratory motion of simple pendulum.
ii.                   Vibratory motion of a mass spring system
It is to be noted that every SHM is oscillatory but every oscillatory motion is not necessary a SHM.
2.      For a particle with simple harmonic motion, at what point of the motion does the velocity attain maximum magnitude? Minimum magnitude?
Ans. For a particle executing SHM its total energy at any instant of time is constant. That is the sum of K.E and P.E remains the same all the time. Since K.E of the particle passing through mean position is maximum (Equal to total energy) so at this position the velocity of the particle will be maximum. When the particle is at either position, the total energy of the particle is in the form of P.E and its K.E is equal to zero. As K.E is zero at other extreme position, so the velocity of the particle is also zero at these positions.
3.      Is the restoring force on a mass attached to spring in simple harmonic motion ever zero? If so, where?
Ans. Yes, the restoring force in SHM becomes zero at the mean position. According to Hook’s law we have
F = - Kx -----------1
In equation 1 “x” represents the displacement of vibrating body from mean position.
Now at the mean position, we have x = 0
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So equation 1 becomes
F = - K (0) à F = 0 -------------- 2
Equation 2 shows that the restoring force is zero at the mean position.
4.      If we shorten the string of a pendulum to half to its original length, what is the affect on its time period and frequency?
Ans. Effect on time period:
We know that time period of simple pendulum is given by,
T = 2Ï€  ------------------ 1
Now if the length becomes half then we put l =  in equation 1 we get
T = 2Ï€   
T =  [2Ï€ ]  --------------- 2
Putting the equation 1 in equation 2 we get,
    ----------- 3
Equation 3 shows that the time period will decrease by a factor is when the length of the string becomes half.
Effect on frequency:
We know that
 ------------------- 4
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Put  in equation 4 we get
 ----------------------- 5
Putting equation 4 in equation 5 we get
 -------------------------- 6
Equation 6 shows that frequency of simple pendulum will increase by a factor  when the length of the string becomes half.
5.      Suppose you stand on a swing instead of sitting on it. Will your frequency of oscillation increase or decrease?
Ans. The swing may be considered as a simple pendulum. In this case the frequency of oscillation is given by,
 _________________ 1
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Where l = length the pendulum and is equal to the distance from the point of suspension to the center of gravity (Navel) of the person on the swing.
This length decreases as the person stands up on the swing i.e. center of gravity of the person rises up. Using equation 1 it is clear that frequency of oscillation is inversely proportional to the square root of length of the pendulum. So, frequency of oscillation increases as length decreases when the person stands up instead of sitting.
6.      Explain the difference between the speed of a transverse wave travelling along a cord and the speed of a tiny colored part of the cord.
Ans. Transverse waves are those in which particles of the medium vibrate at right angle to the direction of propagation of wave motion. Consider a cord having a coloured tiny part as shown in the figure. Its one end is fixed and the other end is in our hand. If we move our hand up and down transverse waves are produced moving in the forward direction i.e. from left to right. As these are transverse waves, so each part of the string moves up and down i.e. vibrating up and down, while the transverse waves move in the forward direction while the coloured tiny part of the string moves up and down executing SHM.
7.      Why waves refract at the boundary of shallow and deep water?
Ans. Refracting of waves involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one medium to another. In refraction both speed and wavelength of waves change. The speed of wave depends upon the properties of a medium through which it travels. The speed of waves is not the same in shallow water and deep water. Waves travel fast in deep water. Thus if the waves are passing from deep water into shallow water, they slow down. This decrease in speed is accompanied by decrease in wavelength. So when waves are transmitted from deep water into shallow water, its speed and wavelength decreases and waves change its direction. i.e. refracted.
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8.      What is the effect on diffraction if the opening is made small?
Ans. Diffraction is the slight bending of a wave as it passes around the edge of an obstacle. The amount of bending of a wave depends upon the relative size of the wavelength of the wave and size of the opening. If the opening is much larger than the wavelength, then very less bending occurs which is unnoticeable. How ever if the two are comparable (or equal in size) then a considerable bending occurs and can be seen easily with naked. Thus bends more and more if the opening is made small i.e. making it comparable in size to the wavelength of the wave.

Numerical Questions
1.      A mass hung from a spring vibrates 15 times in 12s. calculate the frequency and the period of the vibration.
2.      A spring requires a force of 100.0N to compress it to a displacement of 4cm. what is its spring constant?
3.      A second pendulum is a pendulum with period of 2.0s. How long must a second pendulum be on the earth (g=9.81 m/s2) and Moon (Where g = 1.62m/s2)? What is the frequency of second pendulum at earth and on moon?
4.      Calculate the period and frequency of a propeller on a plane if it complete 250 cycles in 5.0s.
5.      What waves with wavelength 2.8m, produced in a ripple tank, travel with a speed of 3.80 m/s. What is the frequency of the straight vibrator that produced them?
6.      The distance between successive crests in a series of water waves is 4.0m and the crest travel 9.0 m in 4.5s. what is the frequency of the waves?
7.      A station broadcasts an AM radio wave whose frequency is 1230 x 103 Hz (1230 KHz on the dial) and an FM radio wave whose frequency is 91.9 x 106Hz (91.6 MHz on the dial). Find the distance between adjacent crests in each wave.           
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