chapter measurement MCQs for entry tests

You can download the solution of the MCQs also. Download PDF 1) SI unit of heat is: (a) Volt (b) Henry (c) Joule/Carlorie (d) Joule D. 2) The dimensional formula of modulus of rigidity is: (a) [ML -1 T -2 ] (b) [M 0 L 2 T 2 ] (c) [ML 2 T -1 ] (d) [ML 2 T -2 ] A. 3) Unit of universal gas constant in SI is: (a) Jmol -1 K -1 (b) w/m 2 k 4 (c) W/m -2 (d) J-S A. 4) The dimensional formula of light year is: (a) L (b) M 0 L 0 T -1 (c) M -1 L 3 T -2 (d) ML 2 T -1 A. 5) The unit of inductan...